Community Raises Funds to Support Education in Kenya
One EHS sophomore is a living testimony of the old adage that one person can make change.
Natasha Wanjiru ’20 was looking for change, and with the help of her EHS community, she rounded up over $3,000 of change that will go to further the education of students in her home country of Kenya.
Beginning last October, Wanjiru placed containers in each dorm commons area for students to donate their spare change. The money would be sent to an organization called Change for Change, which would help children in Kenya attend school. By sending weekly emails of each dorm’s donation statistics, she spurred a friendly competition and served as a reminder that the change containers were present.
By the end of the fall semester, the EHS students raised $1,756 through the spare change campaign and another $1,430 through individual donations from a substantial number of faculty members. Together, these gifts will sponsor 23 children for a full school year and with a small amount of the funds going to help kick off the project for next year.
“This is so exciting and a life changing opportunity for the children back home. Just watching the Episcopal community be so generous and ready to change the world for these young children makes me so happy,” she said.