The EHS vs. WFS Alumni Challenge Cup Golf Tournament will take place on September 14-16, 2025, at Yeamans Hall Club near Charleston, S.C.
The details, purpose, and associated costs are outlined below.
If you play golf and have a verifiable handicap (or 10 rounds of play with scorecards available), then you are eligible to participate in the Episcopal vs. Woodberry Alumni Challenge Cup, a friendly, yet competitive Ryder Cup format golf tournament that was founded in 1999. One of the goals of this event is to use the spirit of competition that both schools are known for to create an endowment supporting financial aid for deserving students with financial needs. The teams have grown from eight alumni per school in the first year to 30 or more players per team in recent years. The event begins with optional practice rounds on Sunday afternoon followed by a barbecue dinner and pairing announcements. Tournament play begins with Monday morning best ball matches and continues with modified alternate shot matches on Monday afternoon. Monday night there will be a coat and tie dinner for all of the participants and the tournament concludes with singles matches on Tuesday morning. Official tournament activities end with lunch and the presentation of the Cup in the early afternoon.
Estimated all-in cost including deposit, scholarship donation, and fees to be billed at venue: ~$2,250 to $2,500 plus travel to Charleston
Registration/Deposit : $500
The registration fee is a deposit and will go toward your final total for golf, lodging, and meals.
Expect to pay an additional $750 to $1,000 to be billed at the venue. Variations in cost will depend on whether you play a practice round, drinks, etc.
Your registration fee/deposit will become non-refundable if you cancel after August 15, 2025. After that point, the funds will either be used to sponsor a younger replacement player or become a gift to the scholarship fund.
Required Scholarship Pledge: $1,000 (split 60/40 and paid separately to the two schools depending on tournament results)
At the conclusion of the tournament, each player will make gifts totalling $1,000 to the scholarship endowments at Episcopal and Woodberry with $600 given to the winning school and $400 to the losing school. This gift is in addition to support of the annual Roll Call.
The EHS-WFS Alumni Golf Challenge Scholarship Fund at EHS is currently valued at over $900,000.
If you are interested in playing in the tournament but these costs are prohibitive, click "reserve a spot" and submit a request for a sponsor. Limited funds may be available to assist younger alumni.