Announcing The Ed Rice Throwing Circles

The Episcopal community was delighted to welcome Coach Ed Rice back to campus in November for the Hall of Fame induction of the 1977 Football Team, and to announce that the throwing circles at the new, state-of-the-art track and field facility will be dedicated in his honor. Elis Olsson ’82 has generously made the lead gift to this effort and invites others to join him with gifts in honor of Coach Rice. “As a teacher, coach, and mentor, Ed Rice brought the intensity, passion, and attention to detail to his work that are the hallmarks of a great leader and role model,” Olsson said. “I learned so much from Coach Rice and appreciate the opportunity to honor him.”

In Coach Rice’s 36-year career at EHS, he served as Football Coach, Head Track & Field Coach, Director of Track & Field, and Athletic Director. His impact on Episcopal athletes across decades is immeasurable.

If you were inspired by Coach Rice’s leadership, we invite you to make a Roll Call gift or pledge in his honor today.

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