EHS, APD, and ACHS Join Forces in Creating Satellite Office
Since Stafford Farmer-Lee began as Episcopal’s Director of Campus Safety & Security four years ago, he has continued to build upon the School’s strong relationship with local law enforcement and Alexandria City High School. Thanks to his two decades of service within the Alexandria Police Department (APD), the former police sergeant recently partnered with his old colleagues at APD, administrators at Alexandria City High School, and Bradlee Center management to establish a satellite APD office in Bradlee Center, more commonly known to our students as “The Center.” To Farmer-Lee, the collaboration represents Episcopal’s commitment to building meaningful relationships within the community at large. “This partnership is an important step in advancing our long-standing tradition of community teamwork,” he said. The satellite office provides officers with a welcoming space to complete reports and connect while on patrol in the area. Episcopal donated furniture and funds to the project.
Head of School Charley Stillwell also expressed his appreciation for the partnership. “We value our relationship with the APD and all they do to support our community,” Stillwell said. “We are excited to join with the Department to develop their new satellite office at the Bradlee Center which enhances the safety of our neighborhood and offers opportunities to build even closer relationships with these dedicated officers.”
Stafford Farmer-Lee, James Perera, Dennis Shores, Charley Stillwell, Geoff Bennett, and Phil Spears celebrate the opening of the satellite office with APD and ACHS.